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Case 4 6897


Woman 65 years.

Palpated an aching condensation in the breast after trauma. Not visible at mammography. Ultrasound 20 mm highly echogenic suiting with posttraumatic changes. Fine needle aspiration „to be sure”.


Bemutatja: Dr. Sven Johansson

Created date: 2014-01-29

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Scan date: 2014-01-30T09:06:48

Organ: n/a

Staining: Hematoxylin-eosin

Type: 2D Slide

Size: 1.47 GB

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Scan date: 2014-01-30T06:47:53

Organ: n/a

Staining: Hematoxylin-eosin

Type: 2D Slide

Size: 931.75 MB

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